10 Aug 2014

St. John's. Harbor of color, music and smiles.

Oh St. John's. 

How I loved spending time in this small but vibrant town. It's the capital of Newfoundland & Labrador and the oldest settlement in North America. It's situated on the far east side of Newfoundland and it has a vibrant history as a harbor.

The town went through some serious rough times. It burned down completely, twice. But every single time the community bounced back. Today it's one of the most colorful and pretty places I visited. The front of the houses are used as a canvas for a wide variety of bright colors and that totally reflects the friendly and happy personalities of its inhabitants.

Everywhere I went people smiled and greeted me warmly. Even more, almost every car in the streets stops if they have the slightest feeling that you might cross :-) 

This totally translates into the night. 

St. John's is known for its vibrant nightlife. There are loads of pubs and most of them offer live music. A result from their strong Irish heritage. The center of it all is known as George Street. 

Now I've been to a few pubs in my life and truly this is how pub life should be. All ages, locals, foreigners dancing and singing together to traditional and some more modern tunes.

When I went for a drink in the eve I generally went by myself but I was welcomed in group of friends for a chat or a dance every single time. A beautiful thing.

But there's more. Every summer St. John's gets special guests: Whales and Icebergs. This obviously translates in beautiful sights and experiences.

I decided to stay in St. John's for some time to recover from 4 months of non-stop travelling and to get ready for my guitar challenge across Canada. Happy I did it here.

I'll come back to this vibrant harbor again. One day.

Below some of my favorite shots of the city.

The Newfoundland and Labrador dog race origins from Newfoundland & Labrador. This statue is in their honor. 

An example of the colorful streets of St.John's

This statue on George Street captures the vibe of the street quite well. :-)
The Duke of Duckworth's. An icon of St. John's nightlife.

1 comment:

  1. I actually really liked the cover, but I don’t think it goes with the book all that well. Technically, the pictures match scenarios in the book, but it doesn’t reflect the mood of the book very well.brick work
